Home Loan Repayment Assistance
NBT is here to help if you are having difficulty keeping up with your home loan payments.
We understand that life can be challenging and we’re here to help. Let us work with you during these difficult times. We may be able to offer options based on your goals and you may have more options than you think. We encourage you to reach out to discuss the options NBT has available to you.
Here are options you may be able to consider
The following information provides options for whether you want to stay in your home or if you are considering selling or leaving. Each option has specific steps to be completed. We encourage you to explore your options to find the solution that’s best for you.
If you would like to talk about your situation, learn your options or need help with any forms, please contact us right away to learn more.
Loan Modification and Supporting Forms
Download and fill out.
Financial Assistance Application (PDF)
I would like to remain in my home
Loan Repayment Plan Options
NBT Bank offers two repayment plans where a portion of the past due payment is made either within a three (3) or six (6) month period. This payment is in addition to your current monthly payment, which works quickly to bring your loan current.
Loan Modification/Forebearance Option
Under this option, you may reach an agreement with NBT Bank to change the original terms of your mortgage—such as payment amount, length of loan, interest rate, etc. In most cases, when your mortgage is modified, you can reduce your monthly payment to a more affordable amount.
Here's how the Loan Modification Option works:
- Contact us first:
Phone: 888-747-0835
Email: [email protected] - Complete the Financial Assistance Application (PDF)
- Submit the Financial Assistance Application and supporting documents
- Packet is then reviewed for possible assistance options
- If loan modification is approved a trial period ensues pending the permanent loan modification completed
I am considering selling or leaving my home
There are a few ways to proceed with this route:
Deed in lieu
A Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure is a document that transfers the title of a property from the property owner back to NBT Bank. Please contact us to review this option.
Short sale
If you have listed your home for sale and have a valid purchase offer for less than the balance owed, NBT Bank may accept the purchase offer.
Here are the steps to start the Short Sale Option:
- Contact us first:
Phone: 888-747-0835
Email: [email protected] - Complete the Financial Assistance Application (PDF)
- Submit the Financial Assistance Application and supporting documents
Important Information for all borrowers:
- All borrowers on note must agree to participate
- Interior appraisal required (no cost to borrower)
- All borrowers agree to allow NBT to pull new credit report
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